
Small Businesses Should Be Wary of a Breakup of Google

Small businesses may be causalities in Europe’s war against Google, and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) is rooting for Europe. Digital marketing is an important contributor to small business success. Digital marketing’s micro-targeting, ad performance tracking, low-cost experimentation, and quickly adaptable ads and budgets have allowed small businesses to expand and enter new markets. [...]

The Future of Independent Agencies: Highlights from an Expert Panel Discussion on Problems at the Federal Trade Commission

On May 25, 2023, given recent events at the Federal Trade Commission, including the resignation of Commissioner Christine Wilson, leaving the FTC with no Republican commissioners, and the growing discontent for the FTC’s casting aside historical norms and precedence, AEI hosted a panel to discuss the future of independent agencies and how they can be [...]

The Future of Independent Agencies: Fallout from Problems at the Federal Trade Commission

On May 25, AEI’s Mark Jamison hosted a panel discussion on the future of independent regulatory agencies in light of recent activity of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is reversing decades of precedence and established procedures. Watch the full recording of the event below or at AEI.

Where’s the Broadband Money Going? Tracking Impact and Accountability

On May 24, AEI’s Mark Jamison hosted a panel discussion on keys to broadband program efficiency, transparency, and accountability, previewing a rubric for forthcoming work that grades states on their progress. Watch the full recording of the event below or at AEI.

Biden’s Team Causes the Problems He Says He Wants to Solve

President Joe Biden made promoting competition a prominent feature of his economic agenda. When issuing his executive order on competition, the president said, “Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism; it’s exploitation. . . We can bring back more competition to more of the country, helping entrepreneurs and small businesses get in the game.” Then why is [...]