Category: Director’s Take
Some world leaders, including Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump, have had America’s big tech companies in their cross hairs. Should the giants of Silicon Valley be broken up? Watch "Big tech break up: Are Silicon Valley companies too big? | In 60 Seconds" on AEI.
Following the Facebook scandal, many people expressed concerns about how big tech companies take advantage of their users' data to drive service consumption. Mark Jamison advises big tech companies to be transparent about their real business models. Watch "Big tech using your data | In 60 Seconds" on AEI.
The cries to regulate big tech have only grown louder over the last year. Is it time for the US federal government to put a lid on Google, Facebook, and other tech firms? Watch "Should big tech be regulated? | In 60 Seconds" on AEI.
When it comes to cryptocurrency, governments will have to change their traditional approach to regulation. Watch "Cryptocurrency: A challenge for regulators | In 60 Seconds" on YouTube.
The price of bitcoin has skyrocketed and plummeted over the past several months. Many are left wondering: Is cryptocurrency the investment opportunity of a lifetime, or a bubble that is doomed to burst? Watch "Should you invest in bitcoin? | In 60 seconds" on AEI.