The Broadband Dilemma

Broadband accessibility has rapidly transformed into a modern-day essential, integral to our nation’s economy. However, some still do not have access to basic internet connectivity, which became more evident during COVID-19. As a result, government programs like the $42 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program were created to expand internet connectivity to unserved and underserved areas. Previous initiatives yielded low adoption rates and wasteful funding allocations, hindering progress and highlighting the need for transparency in the decision-making and funding process.

PURC Director and AEI Nonresident Fellow Mark Jamison returned to Explain to Shane, accompanied fellow broadband expert and University of North Texas Economics Professor Janice Hauge. As members of AEI’s Broadband Barometer Project, they are ingrained in the key obstacles facing broadband expansion.

Listen to podcast at AEI’s Explain to Shane.