Introduction As a FLA mentee and civic engagement committee member, I participated in five civic engagement events throughout this entire year. Through serving our community in various ways, I developed a new perspective on my surrounding community and an appreciation of the tiniest acts of kindness we can do. After attending many volunteering events in [...]
Community service has always been a passion of mine, and upon entering college, I was determined to find opportunities to be involved in my new Gainesville home for the next few years. I found the avenue to do so by joining FLA and becoming a part of the Civic Engagement Committee. Not only has FLA [...]
In the Heavener School of Business, we have created an environment where civic engagement is prioritized, valued, and enjoyed. As the Florida Leadership Academy’s Civic Engagement Committee, we want to extend our responsibility beyond organizing events and fundraisers by teaching our peers how to take these skills and integrate them into their future workplaces. Civic [...]
There are an almost unlimited number of ways to receive resume and interview help in the business school. From my personal experience, I have used two resources to help me succeed in these areas: business courses and CAP Mentors. This past fall semester, I was enrolled in GEB3213: Professional Writing in Business, as well as [...]
One amazing aspect of the business school is that there are tons of organizations you can join that will allow you to grow both professionally and personally. It is really important to take advantage of these organizations because they will allow you to develop skills that are imperative in the working world as well as [...]
During my time here at UF, I have begun to realize that a big portion of the business world revolves around who you know and what connections you have. This is where networking comes into play. To get to know people, you must be able to network and talk with certain individuals. That is why [...]
I am going to tell you the most important things that I learned in my journey toward accepting a NY Wealth Management internship with JP Morgan. First of all, you MUST put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Reach out to recruiters, to current employees, to your mentors, and to anyone who might know something [...]
I can’t even begin to explain how much A&I has been one of my favorite parts of FLA! I’m Rui and I’m part of the newsletter team that’s in the A&I committee and it’s an experience that I wouldn’t forget in college as cheesy as it sounds. My main responsibility on the team is to [...]
Civic engagement has many different meanings and implications. Throughout FLA this semester we have had the opportunity to reflect and make a positive impact on the Gainesville community. Through each unique community experience, FLA members have had the opportunity to develop a foundation and passion for striving to be leaders in the community and excel [...]
The importance of Inclusive Excellence Inclusive excellence has become a pivotal part of learning and growth for many companies, organizations, and even communities – yet the question remains: why should I care? When thinking about the concept of inclusive excellence, many people have the same fear and apprehension about how it may relate to them [...]