Career Coaching

Who should you see for career coaching appointments?


Freshmen and Sophomores:

Schedule an appointment with Tara Routie and Arlette Perez (career coaches) or with a Career And Peer (CAP) Mentor. Log on to HIREWarrington to schedule your appointment.

  • Tara Routie: Marketing, Management, Finance, General Studies
  • Arlette Perez: Marketing, Management, Finance, General Studies

Juniors and Seniors:

Log on to HIREWarrington to schedule an appointment with your industry specialist below:

  • Sierra Bice: Finance, Accounting, Information Systems
  • Scotty Goodloe Jr.: Finance, Marketing, Management
  • Bernadine Thomas: Finance, General Studies, UF Online, PACE


Find your career coach below by your program.



Specialized Masters