October 17, 2022
CEO and Chairman Matt Beall Visits Retail Society

This week, Gator graduate Matt Beall, the CEO and Chairman of Bealls, visited UF students as part of a Retail Society gathering. Matt spoke about how his great grandfather started the company back in 1915. The historical company lost the business during the depression and worked to regain it and grow it as Florida grew. The family grew as well with a Beall in each generation keeping the company relevant to the customer and innovative in the industry.
Matt began by sharing the company’s history, but then put his notes aside and answered numerous questions. For example, he was asked about the company’s culture. He spoke about Bealls valuing family and the company does more than say it…they treat their associates as family. Despite the terror of closing stores during COVID-19, Bealls had been financially healthy, so they were able to continue to pay bills and pay company associates. During the recent hurricane, Bealls relentlessly searched for all associates until all were accounted for and thankfully all are well. Bealls exudes a culture of responsibility, connectiveness and compassion. They are forward-looking and innovative. Matt Beall demonstrated the warm culture of Bealls as he welcomed all student questions during the presentation and remained afterward to answer more. We are grateful for his visit!
Bealls Outlet Utilizes Data for Planning
Sam Lowenstein and Stacy Kronenberger are Divisional Planning Managers for Bealls Outlet. They visited students to teach about planning and allocation. Sam and Stacy defined planning as forecasting and making recommendations based upon data that works to get the right product, at the right time, in the right place for the customer. For example, great planning prevents flip flops from being on the store shelves in Ohio in November and winter coats in the Key West store in August. Weekly operations for a planner are cyclical with steps including buyer and planner collaboration, business action meetings, store visits, shop competition, and new store advertising and replenishment. Stacy and Sam also discussed that there is sometimes conflict with their buyers, and it is working together to solve those conflicts to match the strategy they have. Every decision they make is based on calculated risk with data in mind. The three things they look at to make decisions and plans are sales, gross margin, and inventory productivity.
In today’s business environment, retailers have excess inventory. Sam and Stacy shared a excess inventory situation for students to ponder then engaged them into resolving the issue demonstrating how planning and allocating are vital to retail.
Positive Psychology and Intelligence
Charles “CJ” Pisieczko, Director of Talent Acquisition and Retention for Bealls presented to the student group Retail You about the importance of Positive Psychology and Intelligence. The presentation helped students become more aware about their attitude which can directly assist in any situation.
The concept is supported by six principles beginning with being positively disciplined in every aspect of your life. Being positive may require new narratives For example, everyone may think failures are terrible, but CJ talked about flourishing through failure as failures are perfect opportunities to learn and grow. At one point he paired off students to demonstrate how a simple smile can alter a situation! CJ shared the principles with occurrences in his own life to show students how they are applicable and relevant in their daily lives.