Courses & Curriculum

Program Structure

In the Warrington College of Business, graduate courses are organized in a modular system. The modular system allows students to focus intensely on course content over an eight-week period with a one week break in between. Our courses are designed to give you a deep dive into the world of analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

We offer three concentrations:

  • Data Science:
    Learn essential skills to design systems and processes to collect and analyze data. Acquire statistical and business intelligence tools necessary to extract and communicate crucial insights effectively. This concentration combines programming, information systems, business intelligence, and quantitative business courses to provide a technical foundation for students pursuing a career in data science.
  • Information Technology:
    Become an information technology architect. Learn how to design, implement, and manage systems that support a comprehensive IT strategy. In addition to technical competence, students will acquire the necessary skills to analyze and lead IT initiatives for any industry.
  • Supply Chain Management:
    Master the complexity of supply chain management. Learn to analyze and effectively manage the process of creating, transporting, and delivering goods and services to consumers. The coursework includes topics such as logistics, sourcing and IT systems.

Traditional Master’s id="traditional"

Data Science Concentration id="data-science"

Semester 1 (Fall)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none1
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming21
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none1
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61282
ISM6251Programming for Business Analytics 2‘C’ or better in ISM62572
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67552
Semester 2 (Spring)
GEB5212Professional Writing1none3
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61283
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications 2none3
GEB5215Professional Communications1none4
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62154
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none4
Summer C
QMB6941**Corporate/UF Internship or Elective2
Semester 3 (Fall)
ElectiveGraduate level business course21
ISM6405*Business Intelligence2‘C’ or better in ISM6215 and QMB63581
MAN6581Project Management2none1
ISM6423*Data Mining for Business Intelligence2‘C’ or better in ISM64052
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved2
ISM6562*Business Data Presentation and Visualization2‘C’ or better in ISM62152

* Indicates concentration-specific courses.
** Optional Summer Internship Course; Can count as one of two graduate business electives.

Total credits: 36
Semester 1 (Spring)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming23
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none3
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61284
ISM6251Programming for Business Analytics2‘C’ or better in ISM62574
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
Summer C
QMB6941**Corporate/UF Internship or Elective2
Semester 2 (Fall)
GEB5212Professional Writing1none1
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none1
GEB5215Professional Communications1none2
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62152
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
Semester 3 (Spring)
ElectiveGraduate level business course23
ISM6405*Business Intelligence2‘C’ or better in ISM6215 and QMB63583
MAN6581Project Management2none3
ISM6423*Data Mining for Business Intelligence2‘C’ or better in ISM64054
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved4
ISM6562*Business Data Presentation and Visualization2‘C’ or better in ISM62154

* Indicates track courses.
** Optional Summer Internship Course; Can count as one of two graduate business electives.

Total credits: 36
Semester 1 (Fall)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none1
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming21
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none1
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61282
ISM6251*Programming for Business Analytics2‘C’ of better in ISM62572
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67552
Semester 2 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 1 of the following: ACG 5005, FIN 5437, MAN5246, MAR580623
GEB5212Professional Writing1none3
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61283
Core Business CoursesChoose 1 of the following: ACG 5075, ECP5702, FIN 5439, MAN550224
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62154
Semester 3 (Fall)
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I 2none1
MAN6581Project Management 2none1
GEB5215Professional Communications1none2
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
ISM6562*Business Data Presentation and Visualization2‘C’ or better in ISM62152
Semester 4 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 1 of the following: ACG 5005, FIN 5437, MAN5246, MAR580623
ISM6405*Business Intelligence2‘C’ or better in ISM6215 and QMB63583
Core Business CoursesChoose 1 of the following: ACG 5075, ECP5702, FIN5 439, MAN550224
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved4
ISM6423*Data Mining for Business Intelligence 2‘C’ or better in ISM64054

* Indicates track courses.
**42 are required if the student takes the corporate internship course.

Total credits: 40 or 42**
Semester 1 (Spring)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming23
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none3
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61284
ISM6251*Programming for Business Analytics2‘C’ or better in ISM62574
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
Semester 2 (Fall)
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I 2none1
GEB5212Professional Writing1none1
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62152
Semester 3 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG 5005, FIN 5437, MAN5246, MAR580623
GEB5215Professional Communications1none4
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG 5075, ECP5702, FIN 5439, MAN550224
Semester 4 (Fall)
MAN6581Project Management2none1
ISM6405*Business Intelligence 2‘C’ or better in ISM6215 and QMB63581
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved2
ISM6423*Data Mining for Business Intelligence2‘C’ or better in ISM64052
ISM6562*Business Data Presentation and Visualization2‘C’ or better in ISM62152

* Indicates track courses.
**42 are required if the student takes the corporate internship course.

Total credits: 40 or 42**

Information Technology Concentration

Semester 1 (Fall)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none1
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 21
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none1
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61282
ISM6258*Advanced Business Programming 2‘C’ or better in ISM62572
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in ISM67552
Semester 2 (Spring)
ISM6259*Business Programming2‘C’ or better in ISM62583
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61283
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none3
ISM6236*Business Objects2‘C’ or better in ISM6215, ISM6222 and ISM62584
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62154
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none4
Summer C
QMB6941**Corporate/UF Internship or Elective2
Semester 3 (Fall)
ElectiveGraduate level business course21
GEB5212Professional Writing 1none1
MAN6581Project Management2none1
GEB5215Professional Communications 1none2
ISM6223*Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II2‘C’ or better in ISM62222
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved2

* Indicates track courses.
** ISM6258 and ISM6236 can be taken concurrently only if the student started the program in the Fall and the student is planning and able to graduate at the end of next Fall.

Total credits: 36
Semester 1 (Spring)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 23
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none3
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61284
ISM6258*Advanced Business Programming2‘C’ or better in ISM62574
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in ISM67554
Summer C
QMB6941**Corporate/UF Internship or Elective2
Semester 2 (Fall)
ISM6259*Business Programming 2‘C’ or better in ISM62581
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none1
ISM6223*Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II2‘C’ or better in ISM62222
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62152
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
Semester 3 (Spring)
ElectiveGraduate level business course23
GEB5212Professional Writing 1none3
MAN6581Project Management2none3
GEB5215Professional Communications 1none4
ISM6236*Business Objects I2‘C’ or better in ISM6215, ISM6222, & ISM62584
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved4

* Indicates track courses.
** ISM6258 and ISM6236 can be taken concurrently only if the student started the program in the Fall and the student is planning and able to graduate at the end of next Fall.

Total credits: 36
Semester 1 (Fall)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none1
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 21
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none1
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61282
ISM6258*Advanced Business Programming 2‘C’ or better in ISM62572
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67552
Semester 2 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 1 of the following: ACG5005, FIN5437, MAN5246, MAR580623
ISM6215*Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61283
ISM6259*Business Programming 2‘C’ or better in ISM62583
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5075, ECP5702, FIN5439, MAN550244
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62154
Semester 3 (Fall)
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none1
MAN6581Project Management 2none1
GEB5212Professional Writing 1none1
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions 2none2
ISM6223*Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II2‘C’ or better in ISM62222
GEB5215Professional Communications 1none2
Semester 4 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 1 of the following: ACG5005, FIN5437, MAN5246, MAR58062none3
ISM6236*Business Objects I2‘C’ or better in ISM6215, ISM6222 and ISM62584
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved4

*Indicates track courses.

Total credits: 40
Semester 1 (Spring)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming23
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none3
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61284
ISM6258*Advanced Business Programming 2‘C’ or better in ISM62574
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
Semester 2 (Fall)
GEB5212Professional Writing1none1
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
ISM6259*Business Programming 2‘C’ or better in ISM62581
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
ISM6216*Business Database Systems II2‘C’ or better in ISM62152
GEB5215Professional Communications 1none2
Semester 3 (Spring)
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none3
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5005, FIN5437, MAN5246, ECP570243
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5075, FIN5439, MAN5502, MAR580644
ISM6236*Business Objects2‘C’ or better in ISM6215, ISM6222, & ISM62584
Semester 4 (Fall)
MAN6581Project Management2none1
ISM6223*Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II2‘C’ or better in ISM62222
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved2

*Indicates track courses.

Total credits: 40

Supply Chain Management Concentration

Semester 1 (Fall)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none1
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 21
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none1
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61282
MAN6511*Production Management2none2
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67552
Semester 2 (Spring)
GEB5212Professional Writing1none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming23
MAN6528*Principles of Logistics/Transportation2‘C’ or better in QMB67553
GEB5215Professional Communications1none4
MAN5502*Operations Management2none4
QMB6845*Supply Chain Analytics: Gaming the Supply Chain2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
Summer C
QMB6941**Corporate/UF Internship or Elective2
Semester 3 (Fall)
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
MAN5502*Operations Management 2none1
MAN6581Project Management2none1
ElectiveGraduate level business course22
MAN6573*Purchasing and Materials Management 2none2
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved2

* Indicates track courses.
** Optional Summer Internship Course; Can count as one of two graduate business electives.

Total credits: 36
Semester 1 (Spring)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 23
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none3
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61284
MAN6511*Production Management 2none4
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
Summer C
QMB6941**Corporate/UF Internship or Elective2
Semester 2 (Fall)
GEB5212Professional Writing1none1
MAN5502*Operations Management2none1
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none1
GEB5215Professional Communications1none2
MAN6573*Purchasing and Materials Management2none2
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
Semester 3 (Spring)
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61283
MAN6528*Principles of Logistics2‘C’ or better in QMB67553
MAN6581Project Management2none3
ElectiveGraduate level business course24
QMB6845*Supply Chain Analytics: Gaming the Supply Chain2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved4

* Indicates track courses.
** Optional Summer Internship Course; Can count as one of two graduate business electives.

Total credits: 36
Semester 1 (Fall)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none1
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 21
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none1
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61282
MAN6511*Production Management 2none2
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in ISM67552
Semester 2 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5005, FIN5437, MAN5246, MAR580643
GEB5212Professional Writing1none3
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5075, ECP5702, FIN543944
GEB5215Professional Communications1none4
Semester 3 (Fall)
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I 2none1
MAN5502*Operations Management2none1
MAN6573*Purchasing and Materials Management2none2
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
Semester 4 (Fall)
MAN6528*Principles of Logistics/Transportation2Prereq: ‘C’ or better in QMB67553
MAN6581Project Management2none3
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved4
QMB6845*Supply Chain Analytics: Gaming the Supply Chain2‘C’ or better in QMB67554

*Indicates concentration courses.

Total credits: 40
Semester 1 (Spring)
ISM6128Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none3
ISM6257Intermediate Business Programming 23
QMB6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none3
ISM6129Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2‘C’ or better in ISM61284
MAN6511*Production Management 2none4
QMB6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2‘C’ or better in ISM67554
Semester 2 (Fall)
ISM6215Business Database Systems I2‘C’ or better in ISM61281
ISM6222Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none1
GEB5212Professional Writing1none1
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none2
MAN6573*Purchasing and Materials Management 2none2
GEB5215Professional Communications1none2
Semester 3 (Spring)
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5005, FIN5437, MAN5246, MAR580643
MAN6528*Principles of Logistics/Transportation2‘C’ or better in QMB67553
Core Business CoursesChoose 2 of the following: ACG5075, ECP5702, FIN543944
QMB6845Supply Chain Analytics: Gaming the Supply Chain2‘C’ or better in QMB67554
Semester 4 (Fall)
MAN5502*Operations Management2none1
MAN6581Project Management2none1
ISM6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics (capstone course)2must be taken in the final semester unless otherwise approved2

*Indicates concentration courses.

Total credits: 40
Independent Study (QMB 6905)

An independent study involved doing a project, such as a system design, website implementation or data analysis, for an agency at UF or outside UF. For these projects, the student should develop the proposal in cooperation with the person who will actually be supervising the work. The work supervisor will have to sign off on the project before the independent study starts, and eventually report on the student’s performance. The instructor will then assign the grade for the course after he/she receives the report from the work supervisor. Email your advisor to obtain the independent study application which should be submitted prior to registering for the independent study.

Combination Degree id="combined"

Students who are admitted into the MSISOM Combination Degree program may enroll in 12 credits (non-IS majors) or 16 credits (IS majors) of graduate course work during their junior and senior years. If earned with a grade of “B” or better, these credits will satisfy requirements for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, pending admission to the Graduate School. Students will then have 20-28 credits of course work over 1-1.5 years at the graduate level to complete requirements for the Master’s. If the student does not continue on to graduate school, the course work taken will still satisfy undergraduate degree requirements.

Students only need to repeat graduate MSISOM courses for which they earn below a “C.” For undergraduate Combination Degree students who earn a B-, C+ or C in a course, the credits will not transfer to the graduate degree, but there is no need to repeat the course. Instead, students may take a graduate business elective during the graduate portion of the program to replace the credits that do not transfer over. This may extend their time in the graduate portion of the program, however.

Barring unusual medical circumstances or other unanticipated events, a gap of more than two semesters (including summer) between completing the bachelor’s degree and beginning the master’s degree is not permitted.

During the undergraduate portion of the program, ISOM majors will take the
following courses:

Semester 5
ISM6128 (replaces ISM4113)Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none
ISM6129 (replaces ISM4210)Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2ISM6128
Semester 6
ISM6222 (replaces ISM4220)Business Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none
QMB6358 (replaces ISM4330)Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none
Semester 7
QMB6755 (replaces QMB4701)Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none
QMB6756 (replaces QMB4702)Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2QMB6755
Semester 8
ISM6257 (replaces ISM3254)Intermediate Business Programming2
Choose one of three:
ISM6251 (replaces ISM3255)DS Track: Advanced Business Programming2ISM6257
ISM6258 (replaces ISM3255)IT Track: Advanced Business Programming2ISM6257
MAN5502 (replaces ISM3255)SCM Track: Operations Management2
Total credits: 16

ISOM undergraduates enrolled in the Combination Degree program should
not take ISM 4330.

During the undergraduate portion of the program, ISOM majors will take the
following courses:

Semester 6
ISM6128 (replaces ISM4113)Advanced Business Systems Design & Development I2none
ISM6129 (replaces ISM4210)Advanced Business Systems Design & Development II2ISM6128
Semester 7
QMB6755 (replaces QMB4701)Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2none
QMB6756 (replaces QMB4702)Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2QMB6755
Semester 8
ISM6222 (replaces ISM4220)Business Telecom Strategy & Applications I2none
QMB6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions2none
Total credits: 12