Comprehensive Regulatory Impact Analysis Course

Online Training for Utility Regulators, Policy Makers, and Infrastructure Professionals

Are your utility regulations achieving desired results? Do you have the proper tools to analyze their impacts? Do you want your studies to be the gold standard by which all others are measured? Do you want your studies to be used and not shelved?

We are redesigning our RIA course to enable on-demand, individual participation starting October 14, 2024.

Avoid the pitfalls that stifle utility regulatory decisions and gain support for difficult issues. Learn how to effectively and rigorously analyze and communicate the impacts of regulations… wherever you are. With our online course, Comprehensive Regulatory Impact Analysis, you will learn from experts and exchange experiences and best practices with peers through the latest in Internet technology.

The course Comprehensive Regulatory Impact Analysis provides tools and approaches for regulatory impact analysis (RIA), a systematic appraisal of the potential impacts of a regulatory decision to assess whether the decision is likely to achieve the desired objectives and at what cost. Through case studies, exercises, and lectures, course participants learn how to identify key questions, identify stakeholders and engage them in the analysis, use appropriate analytical techniques, and communicate their findings.

At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to structure a RIA process. In addition, the course will take you beyond process to higher levels of RIA substance and communication. You will be able to:

  • Project the impacts of alternative regulatory policies on different customer classes, including alternative rate designs, conservation programs, and service quality improvements
  • Incorporate advanced elements into RIAs, including uncertainty (and the precautionary principle), option values (for the timing and sequencing of projects), and referent analysis (identifying the impacts on different stakeholder groups and on the environment)
  • Analyze potential impacts on infrastructure performance based on simulations
  • Develop strategies and systems for tracking the results of regulatory decisions
  • Communicate RIA to decision makers and stakeholders by categorizing benefits, costs, and associated risks in clear and comprehensible language

Course Structure

This is a self-paced course and will be delivered entirely online through the University of Florida’s course management system, Canvas. In Canvas, you will access video lectures, course materials, course case study and additional resources. Activities include:

  • Watching recorded lectures
  • Completing six (6) written assignments
  • Meeting with the PURC faculty for three (3) office sessions (approximately 30 minutes each) via Zoom to address your specific case and any questions you have regarding the content.

Access to Canvas will be provided once your payment is received.

Completion of assignments within six (6) months of registration is required to receive the Certificate of Completion.

Course Fee

Course fee includes:

  • Program tuition
  • Reading and online classroom material
  • Three (3) office sessions (approximately 30 minutes each) via Zoom with PURC Faculty

Course Requirements

  • Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable)
  • Chrome is the recommended web browser for Canvas. Internet Explorer and Safari should not be used to access Canvas.
  • Access to course management system, Canvas.
  • Completion of six (6) assignments.
  • Engagement with course faculty in 3 office sessions hosted via Zoom.
  • All course assignments must be completed within six (6) months of registration to receive Certificate of Course Completion.