About the Center
The Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida is an internationally recognized academic center dedicated to research and to providing training in utility regulation and strategy, as well as the development of leadership in infrastructure policy.
Founded in 1972, the Public Utility Research Center is located in the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida. We strive to enhance the understanding of issues confronting public utilities and regulatory agencies through conferences, seminars and training programs; through research covering the energy, telecommunications, and water sectors, and by preparing students for careers in infrastructure industries.
Our programs teach the principles and practices that support effective utility policy, regulation, management, and leadership. With these tools, we help government and industry officials develop efficient utility infrastructure to better meet the needs of their customers.
Our extensive network of utility and regulatory experts around the world works with us to connect theory and practice in ways that extend our understanding of these sectors; we deliver training programs in Florida, the nation, and around the world.
Past and Present PURC Directors

PURC Founders and Directors
Our mission is comprised of three components:
- Research: Expanding the body of knowledge in public utility regulation, market reform, and infrastructure operations;
- Education: Teaching the principles and practices that support effective utility policy and regulation;
- Service: Engaging Florida, the nation, and the world in outreach activities that provide ongoing professional development and promote improved regulatory policy and infrastructure management.
The success of our mission depends on four principles:
- Expertise: Acquiring and applying knowledge and experience from a range of activities and stakeholders;
- Respect: Providing service that is appropriate for the values, cultures, political contexts, and economic backgrounds of our clients;
- Integrity: Basing our services on fundamental principles that are independent of special interests;
- Effectiveness: Emphasizing cost-efficient performance that promotes legitimacy and credibility for all stakeholders.
Expanded deployment and efficient delivery of utility services in all countries. We realize this vision by providing innovative and balanced research, by teaching the core principles and best practices of utility regulation and management and by offering a forum for the free exchange of ideas.
PURC Executive Committee
Funding by public and private organizations enables PURC to fulfill its mission. To ensure independence and guarantee impartiality, an executive committee of sponsors establishes broad policy guidelines, identifies areas for research, assists in gathering data and feedback on projects, and approves the operating budget. The following sponsors have seats on the Executive Committee:
PURC Leadership Advisory Council
This group of regulatory professionals provides insight and understanding about important issues facing leadership and offers strategic advice and feedback on direction and activities.
PURC International Advisory Committee
Members of the IAC help us improve the quality of our instructional programs and services by identifying research topics, helping develop training programs abroad, and offering feedback about the PURC/World Bank international Program on Utility Policy and Strategy.