Partner with Warrington

Two students talk with a recruiter at an event

Get involved

Partnering with Warrington puts your company on the front lines of the future of business. Warrington Corporate Relations collaborates with partnering companies to create customized strategies that meet your goals while providing access to top talent, graduate and undergraduate programs, faculty thought leaders, and innovative research centers.

Why Warrington

Leading business school at a top ten public university

Access to highly qualified talent pool of 6,000+ future business leaders

Build & increase brand awareness across UF Warrington

Engage with student & faculty talent to solve business challenges

Dedicated Business Career Services office for customized recruiting experience

How to partner

Whether you’re looking to hire from the next generation of business leaders or searching for solutions to your company’s challenges, collaborating with Warrington can help achieve your goals.

  • Talent: Hire undergraduate and graduate Warrington talent.
  • Business solutions: Bring your company’s real-world challenges to Warrington for innovative solutions from students and faculty.
  • Research collaborations: Work directly with business research centers and faculty thought leaders.
  • Invest in Warrington: Build a lasting partnership that adds value to your organization and supports the future of business education.

Contact Warrington’s Senior Director of Corporate Relations Lindsey Farah for more information about partnering.