Full-Time MBA: Two-Year Courses & curriculum

Year 1

During the first year, students enroll in 12 required business classes and 3 electives, which will provide a solid foundation of functional business skills. Students jump into electives during year one, furthering their knowledge of chosen specializations, which gives them the edge during fall recruiting events and interviewing activities. Graduate course descriptions provide more information on these courses. Students will complete 3 to 4 courses per module.

Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4
Managerial EconomicsAsset Valuation, Risk & ReturnCapital Structure & Risk Management IssuesManagerial Accounting
Financial AccountingProblems & Methods in Marketing ManagementManagerial Quantitative AnalysisOrganizational Behavior
Advanced Managerial StatisticsProduction & Operations ManagementElectiveElective
Professional WritingProfessional Communication

Year 2

In the second year, students select 6 elective courses and complete remaining core business requirements. Electives enable students to further expand their studies in one of our 6 career-focused areas of concentration offered by the Hough Graduate School of Business.

Module 1Fall breakModule 2Module 3Spring breakModule 4
Strategic ManagementGlobal Immersion Experience (optional)Developing Leadership SkillsLaw, Ethics and OrganizationsGlobal Immersion Experience (optional)International Elective Course