Seeds of Service: Growing Together Through Civic Engagement in FLA

Community service has always been a passion of mine, and upon entering college, I was determined to find opportunities to be involved in my new Gainesville home for the next few years. I found the avenue to do so by joining FLA and becoming a part of the Civic Engagement Committee. Not only has FLA provided me with the opportunity to attend service events regularly, but the committee has also allowed me to assist in working with local organizations in the community. The civic engagement events organized by FLA facilitate learning and volunteering opportunities for students, ultimately fostering stronger bonds within our FLA community and enhancing our awareness of others within the EIL model.

Among the various service events FLA participates in throughout the school year, GROWHUB stands out as my favorite. It is a community service event unlike any other I have done before. GROWHUB has a unique and meaningful purpose in assisting those with disabilities. While cleaning flower beds, planting saplings, and cultivating soil, this experience demonstrates how there are many diverse ways to serve the community. Other impactful events include beautifying schools through Project Makeover, training medical service dogs with Guardian Angels, and helping distribute food with GNV Bridge. As a committee, we aim to recognize everyone’s different interests and to offer a wide variety of events that appeal to all FLA members. Each event is truly unique and makes a lasting impact on the Gainesville community- a place we get to call home for four years.

Whether it is participating in an assembly line to pot plants at GROWHUB or taking turns distributing food with GNV Bridge, these service events provide an opportunity to unite our organization under a common goal. This strengthens our teamwork skills and leads to developing relationships within our FLAmily. Even something as simple as carpooling to events allows us to have intentional conversations with fellow members. After these events, an equally impactful experience is taking time for a 15-minute reflection as a group. In this debrief, we discuss subjects such as how our service created a ripple effect in the community, along with what we took away from the experience. It is an invaluable experience hearing takeaways from other FLA members who share different perspectives on why our work was impactful.

Serving on the Civic Engagement committee has been transformational. One thing it does is offer its members immense leadership opportunities. I have had the opportunity to create marketing materials, plan events, announce service opportunities, and much more. I’ve also realized that effective communication regarding announcements and deadlines is crucial behind the scenes to ensure successful event planning and donation drives. Regular socials also play a key role in fostering cohesion within the committee. I am happy to say I have become close friends with each committee member, which has only strengthened our work ethic and support for one another. Additionally, transporting donations to agencies like Bread of the Mighty Food Bank provides first-hand insight into the impact of our efforts. Overall, my experience on this committee has been an integral part of my journey at UF. It has not only inspired me to pursue
community service roles in other organizations but has also driven my growth as a leader and member of the community.

On behalf of the Civic Engagement Committee, we wish you a great rest of your Spring Semester. We look forward to creating a lasting impact and serving the community in innovative and meaningful ways. Together, we aspire to embark on a journey of service that not only enriches the lives of others but also strengthens the bonds within our community.