Visitors, Events & Reservations
If you are arranging for a speaker or guest program participant to visit our campus, register your visitor now. You may also need to reserve rooms, add speakers to our College calendar, or request parking.
Register Your Warrington Visitor
Speakers and campus guests should be registered through our short online form. GatorLink login is required. Once you submit the registration you will receive a confirmation along with the registration number and then you can proceed to the request parking link, if needed. The guest registration number is required prior to parking being approved.
Parking Requests
Before you request parking you are required to register your guest and receive a registration number. Parking is requested through our room reservation system by authorized personnel only. If you are not authorized to request parking, please contact your office manager or email Daisy Johnson.
Please be sure to enter your parking request in this format under the Event Name: Guest Registration #/College/Department/Guest Name/Name of company guest is from.
GatorLink Guest Accounts
If your visitor or guest needs to log on to the College computers you will need to create a GatorLink visitor account. Please go to the UF Identity Coordination Page to follow the instructions to create a guest account in MyUFL Account Management.
Room Reservations
Review room use policies and A/V instructions. Make reservations for Heavener Hall, Gerson Hall, Hough Hall, Bryan Hall, Stuzin Hall, and Matherly 120.
College Calendar
If you manage a speaker series, you may already have login credentials. If not, email the Warrington webmaster and we’ll get you set up with a CalendarWiz user account.