FERPA Certification

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s educational record. FERPA applies to all educational institutions receiving funds from the United States Department of Education, from kindergarten through university level. At the University of Florida, the privacy of education records is also protected by Florida Statute Section 1002.22 and University of Florida regulations.

Online Training and Certification

If you are required to become FERPA certified, the online training module must be completed in UF’s myTraining system. FERPA certifications must be renewed every two years by completing the training and test.

  • Go to myTraining.
  • Select “University of Florida” if you are a UF employee or student.
  • Log in to myTraining using your GatorLink account.
  • Once logged into myTraining, search “FERPA” in the search box.
  • Within the results, locate “FERPA Training (PRV802)” and click Register.
  • Complete the FERPA training first.
  • Take the Final Assessment to achieve the FERPA Certification.
  • Under “Manage Training,” select “Training Transcript” to view, print or export your diploma as proof of completion.

Note: The certification status can take several days to trickle down to our college’s system. We cannot speed this up, so it is best not to let your certification lapse if you need access to apps and tools that require this within Warrington.