Category: Significant Digits
Florida consumers are more optimistic about the economy, according to the latest survey from the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR). Consumer sentiment among Floridians rose for the fourth consecutive month in September to 78.3 points, up 1.6 points from a revised figure of 76.7 in August (Figure 1). The numbers [...]
-17.2% Price impact of climate risk on commercial real estate. Offices located near properties damaged by Hurricane Sandy saw a price penalty of 17.2% in the post-Sandy years 2012-2018 compared with similar unaffected ones without damaged properties nearby. The price effect persisted for four years post-Sandy. The price penalty was primarily driven by a decline [...]
A growing demand for IT infrastructure to support cloud computing and artificial intelligence is driving demand for data centers. Growth 19% Rents for hyperscale tech tenants in North America rose 19% in the first half of 2024 compared with a year earlier. $27.2B U.S. construction spending on data centers increased 69% to $27.2 billion in [...]
Florida consumers are not pleased with the economy these days, but at least they’re more upbeat than a year ago. Survey respondents’ overall sentiment fell two-tenths of a point to 73.1 in May from the previous month (Figure 1), but it’s an improvement from a year ago when it stood at 69.1, according to the [...]
7-9% ADUs in Los Angeles: How much do they raise property value? Using data from Los Angeles, researchers found the presence of an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) raises a parcel’s assessed value and selling price 7% to 9%. The results show that ADUs are less likely found on large parcels containing newer houses, in certain [...]
By the Numbers 701 Net mitigation of people added to Florida’s population per day in 2021 $83K Average gross income (AGI) of people who moved to Florida in 2021 $42K AGI of people who moved out of Florida in 2021 Sources: IRS, UF Bergstrom Real Estate Center Sources: IRS, UF Bergstrom Real Estate Center Percentages [...]
Florida consumers seem more optimistic than they’ve been in more than two years. Floridians’ overall sentiment increased 3.1 points to 72.6 in January from the previous month (Figure 1) — the highest level since September 2021, according to the latest survey from the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR). Source: University [...]
$1.8B The effect of relaxing local regulations on federal rental assistance programs Researchers from the American Enterprise Institute and Bates White LLC simulated increasing housing supply on the cost of U.S. housing assistance programs in 11 metros. Increased construction from relaxing supply-constraining regulations for a decade would save $1.8 billion and increase the families served [...]
Mortgage rates more than doubled the past two years … 3% 6.8% Causing monthly mortgage payments to spike up across Florida … Average monthly principle and interest (P&I) for Florida median-priced home Yet the number of Florida homes sold held fairly steady … And the percentage of homes purchased with cash ticked up only in [...]
5.7 Did pandemic relief fraud inflate house prices? House prices in ZIP codes with high levels of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) fraud increased 5.7 percentage points more than ZIP codes with low fraud within the same county. The researchers from the University of Texas at Austin also found the probability a person receiving a suspicious [...]
One way to view the outlook of Floridians is they are seeing a glass that’s half empty. But at least they’re not seeing an empty glass. That’s our takeaway of the latest survey gauging the sentiment of Florida consumers, which fell in September to an index of 66.3 (Figure 1). Despite a decline of nearly [...]
A surge of U.S. employees worked remotely since 2020 — full-time or by splitting time at their employer’s premises. But the most recent data shows an uptick in people returning to the office. Teleworking Responses of private sector businesses to a survey about whether and how often their employees telework. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor [...]
While not outrageously positive, the mood of Florida consumers has rebounded from a trough last summer when a spike in inflation rocked the economy, according to the most recent surveys from the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR). The economic outlook of Floridians increased in May to an index of 68.8, [...]
The map shows the change in cumulative just value[1] of residential and commercial property by ZIP code from 2013-2022. Doesn’t include vacant land. Some ZIP codes omitted because of missing data. View larger map. Values in Walton County’s 32459 tripled to $17 billion Values in Liberty County, which includes two ZIP codes, totaled $187 million [...]
The mood of Florida consumers ticked lower in December as Floridians were increasingly concerned about rising inflation, according to the latest survey from the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR). The monthly index tracking the economic outlook of Floridians dropped to 64 in December, down 11% from 72.3 a year earlier [...]