Looking up at the side of Heavener Hall in the courtyard with palm trees filtering the sun

Member Perspectives: March 2022

Bergstrom Survey – From ’21 to ’22 Real estate performance should have carried a bigger headline during 2021 but there were a few distractions. With so much discussion about viruses, the CDC, global travel limitations, masks, and general anxiety, there was too little space to realize that the real estate market was performing extremely well. [...]

Skyscrapers with reflective glass fronts and percentages overlaid on the photo

Member Perspectives: October 2021

One year of results from the Bergstrom Center Survey have been recorded. The past year has been interesting and uncertain but our members of the real estate industry held a positive outlook throughout. The most challenging time was during fourth quarter 2020, our initial survey period. Economic restrictions such as restaurant closings and office “stay [...]

Laptop with checklist in a flat design with long shadow. List with checkboxes

Member Perspectives: March 2021

Our member survey reveals a slightly improving outlook from fourth quarter 2020 to first quarter 2021. Events of early last year introduced tremendous uncertainty into the real estate markets and the overall economy. Despite widespread reports of very challenging individual cases, the overall market seemed cautious yet encouraged about the future. Initiating a survey nine [...]