Student Testimonials

Students are offered great opportunities and experiences through the Poe Center’s activities and programs. Some of our students who have participated have shared the value of their own personal experiences.

My involvement with the Poe Center opened my eyes to the very real integrity issues that business leaders face in the global marketplace. The visiting speakers offered a wealth of experience and knowledge that provided me with another education I could not have received in the classroom.

Chris Ferrante
UF MBA Student

The various points of view we were exposed to will no doubt help direct our ethical compass and keep us on the right path to pursue ethically correct business practices.

Rich LeBron
UF MBA Student

This has been a great opportunity to learn about, and force myself to think about, some of the business issues that I’ve heard about in the press, but never really dug into.

Katherine Lippert
UF MBA Student

…Ethics in Global Business (BUL 4443) course was one of the most impactful classes I took as a student at the University of Florida, and by far the most engaging. Part of what made the class so unique and exciting were two key themes Dr. Darnell demanded of her students: teamwork and accountability.

Griffin Plattner

As I interviewed for positions in Finance and Consulting, the one thing companies seem to look for over and over is candidates with the experience and ability to own projects. Project ownership is something I’d never experienced until I joined the Business Ethics Ambassadors (BEAs). Not only was I able to talk about my experience transforming an idea into reality, but I was able to use the practical skills to succeed and get the full-time offer during my internship. Because of its 2015 inception and unlike my experience with other established organizations in Heavener, I put my own stamp and left my mark on the BEAs. As a BEA, I experienced professional-level responsibility and accountability while still in college. The organization truly acted as a stepping stone and transition from ‘backpack’ to ‘briefcase.’

Ariela Steinberg

(BUL 6441) is a course that every business student should take. It represents a huge area of business that may be unjustly overlooked by many. By instilling the principles of ethics in the business students of today, we ensure that these principles will guide the business leaders of tomorrow.

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