Services Offered

The Gator Hatchery supports and assists companies at any stage in their launch journey. Some of our residents are working through idea to see if there’s an opportunity to pursue in the market. Others are here to ramp up sales.

As long as the company is founded and run by UF students, they’re eligible to be part of the Gator Hatchery. We offer assistance in any of the following phases:

  • Ideation
    This is the time for design thinking. Companies start with identifying a problem and work through it to find the best solution and explore product/market fit.
  • Incubation
    Students take the solution to a problem and turn it into a something that can become a company. This step includes business modeling and business planning.
  • Acceleration
    After the company is created, students learn how to accelerate it into larger company. Here we assist in designing corporate structure and
  • Networking and Connection to Resources
    The old adage in business, “It’s who you know…” holds true and The Gator Nation is a huge asset for Hatchery residents. We give students the opportunity to rub shoulders with subject matter experts and entrepreneurs who have already achieved. Additionally, with 55,000+ of the best and brightest students surrounding you, you never knows what connections can form. Our residents find mentors, fellow founders, partners, first employees, industry connections, and even their first investors during their time in the Gator Hatchery.
  • Education
    The Gator Hatchery’s main mission is educational. Not all the residents who enter leave with a successful business. However, through experiential learning and expert guidance, they leave prepared to tackle any challenge that may come their way in the future.