Ethical Socialization of Management Scholars: Perspectives from Professional and Organizational Socialization Research

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    John Kammeyer-Mueller

    Curtis L. Carlson Professor of Industrial Relations
    Department of Work and Organizations
    Carlson School of Management
    University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455
    Phone: 612-625-7272
    Email John
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    John Kammeyer-Mueller is the Curtis L. Carlson Professor of Industrial Relations in the Department of Work and Organizations at the University of Minnesota. Much of Dr. Kammeyer-Mueller’s research examines how employees adjust to new jobs, the process of career development, and how attitudes and emotions shape behavior in organizations. He is particularly interested in learning how interpersonal relationships with coworkers and supervisors can affect how new hires see their work environments over time. His work has appeared in publications such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organizational Research Methods, among others. He is also co-author of the human resources textbook Staffing Organizations. He has provided human resources consulting with several organizations, including the Minnesota Department of Economic Security, Allegiance Healthcare, 3M, Merck, the Florida Bar Association, Cargill, and General Mills. Professor Kammeyer-Mueller teaches courses related to organizational behavior and human resources in the undergraduate, masters’, and doctoral programs at the University of Minnesota.

In this presentation, I review some principles from the organizational socialization research related to developing cultural norms, and describe how these findings might relate to creating a culture for robust and reliable organizational science. One key concern is how reward structures may pressure researchers to cut corners in producing research. Another key concern is how to offset these pressures with counter-pressures that show the benefits of appropriate research for personal gain, meaning at work, social reinforcement, and identity processes. Special emphasis is placed on moral foundations concepts and the idea that multiple motivational systems can be invoked to facilitate cultural development.

Digital Reader: Resources Recommended by the Speaker:

  • American Psychological Association ethics guidelines (especially Section 8: Research and Publication)
  • Moral foundations theory:
    Haidt, J. (2012). The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion. New York: Pantheon Press.
  • Behavioral ethics:
    Treviño, L. K., Weaver, G. R., & Reynolds, S. J. (2006). Behavioral ethics in organizations: A review. Journal of management, 32(6), 951-990.
  • Organizational socialization and ethics:
    Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., Simon, L. S., & Rich, B. L. (2012). The psychic cost of doing wrong: Ethical conflict, divestiture socialization, and emotional exhaustion. Journal of management, 38(3), 784-808.