Recruiters & companies

Recruiter services

Business Career Services at Warrington boasts 50+ years of combined private sector experience, along with over 50+ years of time spent in academia. This lengthy experience means our career coaches know exactly what you’re looking for in a student to hire. They assist recruiters to find the perfect fit for their open position or internship.

Student career services

Every student at Warrington receives customized services in their career journey through Business Career Services. No matter where students are in their journey, the Business Career Services team ensures they are ready to make an immediate impact in their job or internship.

Partner with Warrington

Companies can work alongside Warrington to experience benefits through different channels, whether looking to hire from a diverse group of students or wanting to partner with the College. Your company can play an important role in the future of business and education.

Let's talk

Craig Petrus

Recruiter & Student Career Services

Craig Petrus
Assistant Dean and Executive Director, Business Career Services
352-273-3263 | Email Craig