The vital component that truly elevates the Warrington College of Business into prominence is its talented faculty.

Consistently ranked in the top 20 U.S. publics in the University of Texas at Dallas’ Top 100 Business Schools Research Rankings, students learn from world-class faculty members who are thought leaders in their industry. Our scholars are internationally renowned for their innovative research and produce exceptional business leaders who embody the best in ethical leadership and managerial excellence.

With over 100 faculty members on staff, Warrington faculty members are always progressing and searching for the next impactful piece of business research.

Promoting Robust and Reliable Research Practice
Reliable Research in Business

Reliable Research in Business is an initiative from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business to address credibility challenges across the Science of Organizations and other social, behavioral and economic sciences. This initiative identifies possible solutions in research reproducibility, replicability, generalizability and peer review.

Faculty and Research News

No. 1
for research productivity per capita among U.S. business schools, management department
Top  5
For research productivity among U.S. public schools
No. 9
For research productivity among U.S. business schools, marketing department