Portrait Photo

Sean Trainor

Instructional Assistant Professor

(352) 273-3215


  • Contact Details
  • Bio

    Dr. Trainor teaches professional writing in the Management Communication Center. He has a decade of experience teaching in a variety of fields, including history, humanities, journalism, academic writing, and writing in business. In addition to his experience as an educator, he also works as a freelance writer. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, TIME, Salon, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and many other publications.

    Courses Taught Last 3 years

    • Prof Business Writing (GEB3213)
    • Prof Comm Acc (GEB6229)
    • Professional Writing (GEB5212)
    • Professionl Communica (GEB5215)
    • Spec Topics in Doc Education (GEB6930)
    • Special Topics in Doctoral Ed (GEB6930)

    Phd Students Advised Last 3 years

    • Brenda Withington — 2021 — Current

    Book Chapter Publications Last 5 years

    • A Day in the Life of an Antebellum Barber
      Status: Published
      Published Year: 2019
      Author: Sean Trainor
    • Grooming and Hygiene: Bathing and Beards in Nineteenth-Century Europe and North America
      Status: Accepted
      Accepted Year: 2019
      Author: Sean Trainor

    Book Review Publications Last 5 years

    Contact And Other Resources

    University of Florida
    Warrington College of Business
    Management Communication Center
    Bryan Hall 233

    (352) 273-3215
