How Computation Models Can Facilitate Robust Theory Development, Testing, and Implementation in Organization Science

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    Jeffrey B. Vancouver

    Byham Chair in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    Porter Hall 221
    Ohio University
    Athens, OH 45701
    Phone: 740-593-1071
    Email Jeffrey
    Jeffrey’s Website

    Jeffrey B. Vancouver is Byham Chair for Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Ohio University. He received his degree in 1989 from Michigan State University (Department of Psychology). He studies the dynamics underlying human motivation in work contexts using a self-regulatory perspective, rigorous empirical protocols, and computational models. He has published papers in several journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology, and Psychological Bulletin.

Digital Reader: Resources Recommended by the Speaker:

  • Adner, R., Pólos, L., Ryall, M., & Sorenson, O. (2009). The case for formal theory. Academy of Management Review, 34, 201-208.
  • Davis, J. P., Eisenhardt, K. M., & Bingham, C. B. (2007). Developing theory through simulation methods. Academy of Management Review, 32, 480-499.
  • Farrell, S., & Lewandowsky, S. (2010). Computational models as aids to better reasoning in psychology. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 329-335.
  • Vancouver, J.B., & Weinhardt, J.M., (2012). Modeling the mind and the milieu: Computational modeling for micro-level organizational researchers. Organizational Research Methods, 15, 602-623.
  • Vancouver, J. B., Weinhardt, J. M., & Schmidt, A. M. (2010). A formal, computational theory of multiple-goal pursuit: Integrating goal-choice and goal-striving processes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 985-1008.
  • Weinhardt, J. M. & Vancouver, J. B. (2012). Computational models and organizational psychology: Opportunities abound. Organizational Psychology Review, 2, 267-292.