Visit the Hough Current Students website for:

  • support information
  • academic calendar
  • syllabi
  • online classes
  • electives
  • international study opportunities
  • finals

Critical Dates & Deadlines

The College’s graduate business courses follow a modular system. Please refer to:

Please note that the date for the first day of classes published on the UF Critical Dates & Deadlines does not apply to graduate business students.


Graduate business registration is capped at 15 credits per semester.

Each semester, students must remove the following holds:

  • emergency contact
  • local address
  • mandatory health insurance acknowledgement
  • international student health insurance
  • registration preparation

Please complete this process prior to the “priority registration” period (see the date range for this in the academic calendar).

ISOM courses are departmentally controlled. The program advisor will register students and will not accept instructor and/or section requests.

Current & Upcoming Term Course Schedule


Final examinations are determined by course meeting times except for certain large courses. No student is required to take more than three final exams in one day. If two exams are scheduled at the same time, assembly exams take priority over time-of-class exams. When two assembly exams or two time-of-class exams conflict, the course with the higher number will take priority.