Past Events

Hispanic Heritage Month Profiles

For Hispanic Heritage Month, we shared the biographies of our Hispanic MBA students to shine a light on our diversity. We had students from Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Argentina.

General Body Meetings

These events gave students a chance to connect, reconvene, and socialize. Some of the meetings involved Hispanic trivia or pop culture challenges designed to engage members in a fun and creative way. We were also encouraged to share which types of events we like or dislike and what we would like to get out of the club. Ultimately, these meetings served as a way to know the expectations of the club and see some friendly faces.

Virtual Happy Hour & Trivia Night

As the semester was ramping up, we were able to take a step back and breathe with our virtual happy hour and trivia night. Attendees were encouraged to have a drink nearby as we connected, laughed, and learned some new fun facts about Hispanic cultures. The event also fostered new friendships and encouraged people to share about their countries and customs.

Candid Conversations

In one of our most meaningful sessions, we (virtually) met to discuss what being Hispanic meant to each of us. We connected over what our life growing up was like, some of the experiences we’ve gone through (good AND bad), and why it’s so important that we’re here at UF working towards our MBAs. We also learned about some of the pay or opportunity disparities amongst our communities and why it is pivotal for our allies to step in and uplift us.

¡Sabor! Cooking & Social Night

Hispanic Business Student Association Cooking Night

The Hispanic Business Student Association, along with the Diversity & Inclusion Chair, hosted this event to teach us how to make an easy and delicious Latin-based dish while learning cultural information!

Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

We celebrated the closing of Hispanic Heritage Month by highlighting our Hispanic students and their backgrounds, after learning a few interesting facts about some Hispanic cultures throughout the month.

HBSA Welcome Event

Screen capture of a zoom meeting for the HBSA Welcome Event shows 14 students participating

Online event featuring Trivia, relevant information, and interesting facts all about Hispanic/Latin cultures and countries. We also used this opportunity to know the members better and announce some of our upcoming events.

Movie Night

Students watch a movie projected onto a screen at the front of a classroom

We got together to watch “A Better Life,” a movie depicting the challenges and successes an immigrant father and his son face while trying to establish themselves in California.

Virtual Cooking Night

Screen capture of a Zoom meeting for Virtual Cooking Night shows nine students participating

We picked a recipe native to a Hispanic country and cooked together virtually. We learned a new recipe, tried a yummy new food, and learned some new cooking techniques!

Arepa Wars

Three students sit at a table with plates and ingredients for arepas

Our 2nd annual arepa wars! We learned how to make traditional Venezuelan arepas and tried some classic fillings as well as some new ones. We turned a classroom in Hough into a fun and interactive kitchen.

HBSA/Gator Salsa Club – Salsa & Bachata Night

A group of students stand in a downtown brick street in the evening

We partnered up with the Gator Salsa Club to enjoy an afternoon learning a brand new dance styles, for those who have never learned salsa or bachata, or brushing up on the basics, for those proficient in the dances. We had such a great time!