Dr. Yuehua Tang is the Emerson-Merrill Lynch Associate Professor of Finance and Finance Ph.D. Coordinator at the Warrington College of Business, University of Florida. His research interests include investments, institutional investors, fintech, climate finance, capital markets, and corporate finance. He has published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Management Science. His work has received many research excellence awards, including the Q-Group Research Award, Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Best Paper Awards (three times), AMTD FinTech Centre Prize, BlackRock Best Paper Award (AFBC Sydney), and Yihong Xia Best Paper Award. He currently serves as a senior editor at the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. His research has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Bloomberg News, Forbes, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Fortune, and The New York Times.