Anuj Kumar is an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Management at the Warrington College of Business, University of Florida. He holds a PhD in Information Systems Management from Heinz School of Information Systems and Management, Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Thermal Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, India, and a Master’s degree in management from Indian Institute of Management, India.
Professor Kumar is interested in finding business relevant insights at the intersection of Information Systems, Operation Management and Marketing. Specifically, he studies multichannel customer behavior in IS enabled new technology channels e.g. customer support services at call centers and digital goods markets settings. He employs economic and behavioral theories to model customer behavior and then utilizes econometric and probabilistic methods to extract actionable insights from the field data. Professor Kumar has published his research in top tier journals like Management Science, Information Systems Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Management Information Systems Quarterly.