Christopher James

Christopher James

William H. Dial/SunTrust Eminent Scholar Chair
Eminent Scholar

(352) 392-3486



Expertise And Interest Areas

Education All years

  • PhD - Economics: Industrial Organization, Finance, University of Michigan, 1978
  • MBA - Finance, University of Michigan, 1977
  • BA, Michigan State University, 1973

Courses Taught Last 3 years

  • Econ Organiza/Market (FIN6930)
  • Finan Decision Making (FIN6429)

Phd Students Advised Last 3 years

  • Charles Costello — 2017 — Current
  • Guner Velioglu — 2017 — Current
  • GUNER VELIOGLU — 2018 — Current
  • MUSTAFA EMIN — 2018 — Current
  • Jing Lu — 2020 — 2024
  • Mustafa Emin — 2020 — 2022

Professional Service Last 5 years

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Markets — 2017 to Present
  • Editor, Journal of Financial Services Research — 2014 to Present
  • Editor, Journal of Managerial and Decision Economics — 2014 to Present

Journal Article Publications Last 5 years

  • Cash Flow Volatility and Capital Structure Choice
    Status: Working Paper
    Authors: Christopher James, Evan Dudley
  • Consumption Habits of Mutual Fund Managers: Driving Green to Make Green
    Status: Working Paper
    Author: Christopher James
  • Time is Money: Relationship Lending and the Role of Community Banks in the PayCheck Protection Program
    Status: Published
    Journal: Journal of Banking and Finance
    Published Year: 2021
    Author: Christopher James
  • Why Are Loan Rates So Sticky?
    Status: Published
    Journal: Journal of Financial Economics
    Author: Christopher James
  • I Can See Clearly Now: The Impact of Disclosure Requirements on 401(k) fees
    Status: Published
    Journal: Journal of Financial Economics
    Published Year: 2020
    Author: Christopher James
  • Priority Spreading of Corporate Debt
    Status: Published
    Journal: Review of Financial Studies, The
    Published Year: 2020
    Author: Christopher James
  • Ratings Quality and Borrowing Choice
    Status: Published
    Journal: Journal of Finance
    Published Year: 2019
    Author: Christopher James

Contact And Other Resources

University of Florida
Warrington College of Business
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Department
Stuzin Hall 303H

(352) 392-3486
