Dennis DiPasquale

Dennis DiPasquale


(352) 273-4446


Education All years

  • PDBP - Marketing, University of Florida, 2018
  • PhD - Mass Communication, University of Florida, 2017
  • MA - Public Relations, Rowan University, 2008
  • BS - Computer Science, Rowan University, 1999

Courses Taught Last 3 years

  • Marketing Management (MAR4803)
  • Prob/Meth Market Mana (MAR5806)
  • Professional Selling (MAR6479)
  • Sales Internship (MAR4941)
  • Sales Management (MAR4403)
  • Sales Seminar (MAR2401)

Phd Students Advised Last 3 years

  • Qirong u0022Sherryu0022 Meng — 2021 — Current

Professional Service Last 5 years

  • Committee Member, Pi Sigma Epsilon Expansion Committee — 2022 to Present

Contact And Other Resources

University of Florida
Warrington College of Business
Marketing Department
Bryan Hall 133F

(352) 273-4446
