Gwendolyn Lee

Gwendolyn Lee

Chester C. Holloway Professor

(352) 846-2694


Education All years

  • PhD - Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
  • MS, University of California - Berkeley, 2000
  • MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996
  • BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995

Courses Taught Last 3 years

  • Advanced Dba Research (MAN7978)
  • Global Strateg Manage (MAN6636)
  • Sem Behav Approach Strat (MAN7778)
  • Sem Contemp Approach (MAN7208)
  • Sem Contemp Approach Entre/Org (MAN7208)
  • Sem Strat Adapt Envir (MAN7778)
  • Strategic Management (MAN6724)
  • Strategic Management (MAN7935)

Phd Students Advised Last 3 years

Professional Service Last 5 years

Journal Article Publications Last 5 years

  • Challenges for AI Regulation in Health and for Healthcare Organizations: Notes from the University of Florida's NSF-Sponsored Workshop on AI Governance.
    Status: Published
    Published Year: 2023
    Authors: M Prosperi, J Bian, C Harle, Mo Wang, Gwendolyn Lee, Yixuan Li, P Veltri
  • Governance Strategy for Digital Platforms: Differentiation Through Information Privacy
    Status: Published
    Published Year: 2023
    Authors: Jennifer Kuan, Gwendolyn Lee
  • Exploration, Exploitation, and Mode of Market Entry: Acquisition versus Internal Development by Amazon and Alphabet.
    Status: Published
    Journal: Industrial and Corporate Change
    Published Year: 2023
    Authors: Marvin Lieberman, Gwendolyn Lee
  • Introduction to the Virtual Special Issue: Strategy Science’s Contributions to Doctoral Reading Lists.
    Status: Published
    Journal: Strategy Science
    Published Year: 2023
    Authors: Dan Levinthal, Gwendolyn Lee
  • Structural Causal Modeling of Managerial Interventions: What if managers had not intervened by doing this?
    Status: Published
    Journal: Strategy Science
    Published Year: 2023
    Authors: Gwendolyn Lee, Rich Bettis
  • Surprises, Conflicting Findings, or Questionable Research Practices? A Methodology for Evaluating Cumulative Empirical Analyses and Replication Studies.
    Status: Accepted
    Accepted Year: 2022
    Author: Gwendolyn Lee
  • After the storm has passed: Translating crisis experience into useful knowledge
    Status: Published
    Journal: Organization Science
    Published Year: 2020
    Authors: Gwendolyn Lee, Joseph Lampel, Zur Shapira
  • Embracing robustness and reliability in the science of organizations
    Status: Published
    Journal: Journal of Management
    Published Year: 2020
    Authors: Gwendolyn Lee, Mo Wang
  • From Rugged Landscapes to Rugged Ecosystems: Structure of Interdependencies and Firms’ Innovative Search.
    Status: Published
    Journal: Academy of Management Review
    Published Year: 2020
    Authors: Ganco Martin, Rahul Kapoor, Gwendolyn Lee

Textbook Publications Last 5 years

  • First Mover Advantage
    Status: Published
    Published Year: 2023
    Author: Gwendolyn Lee

Contact And Other Resources

University of Florida
Warrington College of Business
Management Department
Stuzin Hall 211I

(352) 846-2694
