Executive Summary id="executive-summary"

About the Warrington College of Business

Prominently placed as the entrance to the University of Florida, our corner of The Gator Nation is where we develop dedicated business leaders. From here, we influence the world, pushing to stay on the forefront of research and education. But this isn’t about a classroom. The Warrington College of Business is designed to help students change the way they view obstacles in the real world and prepare them to raise the bar.

Top  10
Full-Time MBA among U.S. publics
U.S. News & World Report
No. 14
U.S. Public Undergraduate Business School
U.S. News & World Report
No. 6
Public undergraduate accounting program
U.S. News & World Report
Top  5
Online MBA program
No. 1
in Career Services
Financial Times
No. 1
Value for Money
Financial Times
No. 2
in Open New Career Opportunities
The Economist
No. 1
Master of Science in Management program
Top 5 UF

Just In
University of Florida rises to No. 5

U.S. News & World Report
Top Public Schools


From the Dean id="dean-message"

Degrees Conferred



Student Population



College Information

  • Founded: 1926
  • Faculty/Staff: 124/160
  • Research Centers: 11
  • Endowment Value: $312 million
  • Undergraduate majors: 7
  • Minors: 6
  • Master’s programs: 9
  • Ph.D. programs: 5
  • Professional doctorate: 1

Warrington Leadership

Saby Mitra
Saby Mitra
Selcuk Erenguc
Senior Associate Dean & Director
S. Selcuk Erenguc
Hough Graduate School of Business
Gary McGill
Associate Dean & Director
Gary McGill
Fisher School of Accounting
Alex Sevilla
Associate Dean & Director
Alex Sevilla
Heavener School of Business
Erica Studer-Byrnes
Assistant Dean & Director
Erica Studer-Byrnes
Heavener School of Business
Sherry Deist
Assistant Dean, Administration
Sherry Deist
John Gresley
Assistant Dean & Director
John Gresley
Robert Thomas
Assistant Dean, Diversity & Inclusion
Robert Thomas

Changes in Warrington leadership

After 16 years of service as Associate and Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Hough Graduate School of Business, Selcuk Erenguc is stepping down from his deanship and will return to his faculty position in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management. Erenguc has proudly served the Warrington College of Business for almost 40 years, first joining the faculty in 1982. From 1993-2002, Erenguc led the Information Systems and Operations Management Department as Department Chair.

Gary McGill was appointed as Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Hough Graduate School of Business while continuing to serve as Director of the Fisher School of Accounting. McGill has a long history with Warrington, having joined the Fisher School of Accounting as an Assistant Professor in 1986. McGill served as the coordinator of the accounting Ph.D. program from 2002 to 2006 and has been director of the Fisher School since 2006.

After 23 years at Warrington, Alex Sevilla will be joining Vanderbilt University as Vice Provost of Career Advancement & Engagement. Sevilla served as Associate Dean and Director of the Heavener School of Business. Sevilla has been dedicated to preparing students for their future careers since he first came to Warrington in 1998 as an associate director of MBA career services. In the time after, he held many roles at MBA, with the longest being assistant dean & director from 2005-2016.

With Sevilla’s departure, Erica Studer-Byrnes was appointed the next Assistant Dean and Director of the Heavener School of Business. She previously served as the Associate Director of the Heavener School. Studer-Byrnes will be the first woman to lead the Heavener School of Business and the second woman to join Warrington’s dean leadership team. She started at Warrington in January 2003 as a graduate assistant while pursuing her master’s degree in education. Since then, Studer-Byrnes has been an academic advisor, Director for Academic Advising and Career Coaching and Associate Director of the Heavener School before her new role.

Warrington restructures advisory board to lean on active leadership

Warrington is reorganizing its Advisory Council to lean on prominent business leaders around the world. In his first year as dean, Saby Mitra noticed the opportunity to engage with industry executives and continue to strengthen the College’s position as a global leader in business education.

The council will have an executive group, led by CITY Furniture CEO Keith Koenig, who will serve as Chair. Retired CEO of Accenture North America Jorge Benitez will serve as vice chair while The Heavener Company CEO Bill Heavener will serve as past chair.

“Bill and Jorge and I have met and gotten aligned with Saby and Jon [Cannon, Executive Director of Development and Alumni Affairs], so we all hope to play meaningful roles in helping UF Warrington strive to be #1,” Koenig said. “The council members have a vast network of friends and partners that we can all leverage to open doors and make connections.”

Warrington’s new Advisory Council will be made up of 36 alumni and friends of the College who will serve three-year terms. Each person will be on one of four committees – branding and communications, corporate connections, philanthropy and engagement, or diversity, equity and inclusion. These groups will help guide the College into the future in their area of expertise.

“We can provide valuable insight on what business needs and where the opportunities are,” Koenig said. “We can be the practical connection between the business school and business. We are starting with four committees that will set clear and measurable goals to drive this performance.

“And, in true Gator fashion, we plan to do it while having fun!”

See all of the prominent business leaders that make up the Warrington Advisory Council:

  • Bill Alcorn (Retired, SVP, Controller and Chief Procurement Officer, JCPenney)
  • Drew Asher (EVP & CFO, Centene Corp./CEO, Envolve Pharmacy Solutions)
  • Jorge Benitez (Director, World Fuel Services; Director, Fifth Third Bank; Retired, CEO North America, Accenture)
  • Brent Berthy (General Manager, Philips; Founder, Invivo Corp.)
  • Laurie Burns (Founder & CEO, LBB Growth Partners; Director, Service Properties Trust; Retired, SVP, Chief Development Officer, Darden Restaurants, Inc.)
  • Al Callier (Head of Business Development & Digital Innovation, JIFFY.ai)
  • Janice Cellier (Retired, Divisional Sales Director, National Wires Division, Invesco)
  • Suzanne Christensen (Chief Risk Officer, Invesco)
  • Cheryl Cook (SVP of Global Channel, Dell Technologies)
  • Coleman Cordell (Managing Director and Head of Florida Public Finance Group, Bank of America)
  • John H. Dasburg (Private Investor, Dasburg Capital Partners)
  • John P. Dasburg (Private Investor, Dasburg Capital Partners)
  • Glenn Freed (Chief Investment Strategist, Syntax Advisors)
  • Scott Friedman (Co-Founder, Soroban Capital)
  • Jeff Gold (Retired President & CEO, Myoscience)
  • Bill Heavener (CEO, The Heavener Companies; Co-Chairman, & CEO, Full Sail University)
  • Keith Koenig (CEO, CITY Furniture)
  • Chip Lane (Owner, Sealane Marketing)
  • Andria Long (Owner, Andria Long & Co.)
  • Joe Marconi (Managing Director, Bain Capital Real Estate)
  • Linda McGurn (Principal, McGurn Investment Co.)
  • Joelen Merkel (Retired, SVP & Treasurer, Chris Craft Industries [now News Corp.])
  • Chris Meyer (CFO, Bloomin’ Brands)
  • Tony Milikin (Chief Procurement Officer, AB InBev)
  • Bill Muir (Director, SYKES; Retired, COO, Jabil Circuit, Inc.)
  • Ben Plotkin (Executive Vice President, Stifel Nicolaus & Vice-Chairman, Stifel Financial)
  • Charlie Poe (Chief Investment Officer at Grand Central Investment Group, LLC)
  • Steve Rainey (Partner, Global COO, Tax & Legal Services, KPMG)
  • Alison Rand (CFO, Primerica)
  • Gary Rappeport (CEO & Principal, Far Horizons Capital)
  • Rick Scarola (Co-Founder & Principal, Covenant Capital Group. LLC)
  • Alex Smith (Partner & Senior Advisor, Brown Advisory)
  • Larry Smith (Chairman & CIO, Third Wave Global; Chairman of the Board, White Plains Hospital)
  • Allan Vigil (Owner, Vigil Ford)
  • Mike Watford (Retired, CEO, Ultra Petroleum [now PureWest])

In addition to the 36 individuals on the Advisory Council, 20 business leaders serve as life members:

  • Kelley Bergstrom (President, Bergstrom Investment Management, LLC)
  • Nathan Collier (Principal & Chairman, The Collier Companies)
  • Dan DuPree (Chairman; Preferred Apartment Communities)
  • Debbie Ferree (Vice Chairman, Designer Brands Inc.; President, Camuto Group)
  • Fred Fisher (Retired)
  • Tom Frankland (Retired, President, Mercantile Bank)
  • Brian Gamache (Retired, Chairman & CEO, WMS Industries, Inc.)
  • Jim Hammel (Owner, Blue Water Holdings Inc.)
  • Mason Hawkins (Chairman, Southeastern Asset Management, Inc.)
  • Tom Johnson (President, La Hacienda Del Cielo, LLC)
  • Bob Lanzillotti (Dean Emeritus, Warrington College of Business)
  • Eric Mandelblatt (Co-Founder/Co-CEO, Soroban Capital Partners)
  • Ken McGurn (President, McGurn Investment Co.)
  • Dave Miller, Jr. (D.F. Miller Development Company)
  • Al Pareira (CEO, Florida Atlantic Securities Corp.)
  • M. G. Sanchez (Director, Florida Capital Bank)
  • Andrea Spottswood (Partner, Moore & Spottswood, C.P.A.’s)
  • Charles Stuzin (President, SF Partners, Inc.)
  • Tommy Thompson (President, Thompson Homes Inc.)
  • George Wilson (Retired, President & CEO, Equitrac Corp.)

Faculty id="faculty"

The top minds in business

Warrington faculty are on the cutting edge in business. Whether they’re developing students or working on the next piece of influential research, Warrington faculty are focused on one thing – bettering the future of business.

Dr. Robert Thomas teaches a class in Hough Hall
Warrington faculty had 197 papers published or accepted in 2020-21


  • Journal of Accounting Research
  • The Accounting Review
  • Contemporary Accounting Research
  • Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
  • The Journal of the American Taxation Association
  • Journal of Business Ethics

Information Systems and Operations Management:

  • Management Information Systems Quarterly
  • Information Systems Research
  • Journal of Management Information Systems
  • INFORMS Journal on Computing
  • Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
  • Production and Operations Management
  • Management Science
  • Operations Research


  • Marketing Science
  • Journal of Consumer Psychology
  • Journal of Marketing Research
  • Journal of Marketing


  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Academy of Management Review
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Strategic Management Journal
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate:

  • The Journal of Finance
  • The Journal of Financial Economics
  • The Review of Financial Studies
  • Joe Alba (Temple University Ph.D.), received the MBA Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award.
  • Research by the team of Warrington faculty members Assistant Professor Dr. Emre Demirezen (Texas A&M University Ph.D.), Clinical Professor Dr. Kutsal Dogan (University of Florida Ph.D.), John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar and Department Chair Dr. Kenny Cheng (University of Rochester Ph.D.), and information systems doctoral student Anurag Garg was recognized at the prestigious 51st Annual Conference of Decision Science Institute. The paper, titled “Financial Sustainability of IoT Platforms: The Role of Quality and Security”, won the best interdisciplinary paper as the research is at the intersection of information systems and operations management.
  • Selcuk Erenguc (Indiana University DBA) is stepping down after 16 years of service as Associate and Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Hough Graduate School of Business. He will return to his faculty position in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management.
  • W. Robert Knechel (University of North Carolina Ph.D.) was awarded the rare title of Distinguished Professor. Only 63 faculty members at UF hold this title.
  • Klodiana Lanaj (Michigan State University Ph.D.) was appointed as an Associate Editor of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
  • David Ling (Ohio State University Ph.D.) is the recipient of Warrington’s Graduate Teaching Award.
  • Gary McGill (Texas Tech University Ph.D.) was named Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Hough Graduate School of Business. He will continue to serve as Director of the Fisher School of Accounting.
  • Siân Morgan (University of Florida Ph.D.) is the recipient of the Undergraduate Teaching Award.
  • Philip Podsakoff (Indiana University Ph.D.), the Hyatt and Cici Brown Chair in Business, is the 2021 recipient of the Samuel J. Messick Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, given by Division 5 (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) of the American Psychological Association (APA). Podsakoff was also named among the Most Highly Cited Authors by Thompson Reuters Web of Science.
  • Liangfei Qui (University of Texas Austin Ph.D.) was named the Management Information Systems (MIS) Quarterly Outstanding Reviewer of the Year. He is the first recipient of the award from the University of Florida.
  • Brian Ray (Florida State University Ph.D.) was honored with an award from the United States Special Operations Command for his work on an ethics guide for the military.
  • David Ross (New York University Ph.D.) and two co-authors won first place for their white paper at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton People Analytics Conference. Ross was also appointed as an Associate Editor of Strategic Management Journal.
  • Woochoel Shin (Duke University Ph.D.) received the Management Science Meritorious Service Award from INFORMS.
  • Mo Wang (Bowling Green State University Ph.D.), Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar, is among the recipients of a Fairness in Artificial Intelligence (AI) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with Amazon. Wang also was named the President-Elect of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and will serve the SIOP Presidential Track from 2021-2024. Wang was also elected to the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe) as a Foreign Member and inducted as a Fellow of Academy of Management.
  • Michael Carrillo (University of Florida Ph.D.)
    Clinical Assistant Professor
    Information Systems and Operations Management
  • Yixuan Li (University of Florida Ph.D.)
    Assistant Professor
  • Alejandro Lopez-Lira Ramirez (University of Pennsylvania Ph.D.)
    Assistant Professor
    Eugene F. Brigham Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Department
  • Ivy Munoko (Rutgers University Ph.D.)
    Assistant Professor
    Fisher School of Accounting
  • Amy Parziale (University of Arizona Ph.D.)
    Management Communication Center
  • Daniel Rimkus (University of Texas at Austin Ph.D.)
    Assistant Professor
    Fisher School of Accounting

Faculty Profile

Pie chart: Tenured (44%), Tenure-Track (22%) and Non-Tenure-Track (34%).

By Department

Pie chart: Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (29), Management (25), Information Systems & Operations Management (25), Accounting (22), Marketing (17), Management Communication (7) and Administration (2).


  • 72% Male
  • 28% Female

Warrington faculty stand out in rankings

  • The Department of Management ranked No. 3 for research productivity in the 2020 Texas A&M/University of Georgia Rankings of Management Department Research Productivity.
  • The Department of Information Systems and Operations Management ranked No. 15 in the world for productivity on the 2016-2020 Association for Information Systems (AIS) Research Rankings.
  • According to the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Research Rankings, Liangfei Qui (University of Texas Austin Ph.D.) ranked No. 1 in the world with 16 articles, and Kenny Cheng (University of Rochester Ph.D.) ranked No. 32 with six published in the top three information systems journals in the past five years.

Warrington mourns the loss of Betsy Goodman

It is with the utmost sorrow that the University of Florida Warrington College of Business shares the loss of Betsy Goodman, JCPenney Executive Director of the David F. Miller Retail Center. Goodman passed on November 6, 2020. She was 60 years old.

In honor of Goodman’s dedication and love for sharing about the possibilities of retail with students, Warrington has established the Betsy Goodman Retail Scholarship Fund. This non-endowed memorial fund will provide partial support to a student or students studying retailing at Warrington. The scholarship is a fitting legacy to Goodman’s almost two-decades as a passionate ambassador for the David F. Miller Retail Center, the retail industry and the many students who she inspired.

Student Experience id="student-experience"

Learning together

Warrington students have access to top programs in their desired fields, and the extracurricular experience plays an integral role in strengthening their time at Warrington.

Students traversing through the Plaza of the Americas with Century Tower in the background

Warrington rises in rankings

Warrington had another strong year with rankings that put the College among the best in the world.

Top  5
Five master’s programs
Among Publics
Eduniversal’s Best Master’s
Top  5
Online MBA Program
Among Publics
Financial Times, Fortune, QS and U.S. News & World Report
No. 6
Fisher School of Accounting
Among Publics
U.S. News & World Report
Top  10
Full-Time and Executive MBA
Among Publics
U.S. News & World Report
No. 14
Heavener School of Business
Among Publics
U.S. News & World Report
Top  15
Nine master’s programs
Among Publics
Eduniversal’s Best Master’s

AI and Analytics id="ai-analytics"

The future of business

As businesses lean more on AI and analytics, Warrington is making sure graduates are ready for the future. Warrington students can work directly with the same tools that data analysts use at major companies around the world.

UF Warrington College of Business logo integrated with circuit board and processor graphics

Global id="global"

Impacting the world from home

While the COVID-19 pandemic limited international travel, Warrington students still found ways to help businesses around the globe.

The University of Florida gateway with Heavener Hall in the background and the earth with Florida visible transposed in the sky

Career id="career"

Built to be the best

The strong development of Warrington students is proven by the respected employers who hire graduates. Warrington’s Business Career Services office continues to connect students to employers across different industries around the world.

Students and employers networking at an event

Business Career Services continues to ascend rankings

No. 1
in Career Services
Financial Times
No. 1
in Alumnus Rating of Career Service
The Economist (4th consecutive year)
No. 2
in Open New Career Opportunities
The Economist




secured a job by graduation


secured a job by 3-months, post-graduation


received a full-time offer by 3-months, post-graduation

Average base salary


Average signing bonus


Business Career Services


Career Coaching Appointments
(undergraduate and graduate combined)


CAP Coaching Appointments
(undergraduate and graduate combined)

Undergrad Students



(during the 2020-2021 academic year)


(during the summer of 2021 alone)

  • Top Intern Industries: Financial Services and Non-Profit
  • Top Intern Functions: Marketing & Sales and Finance & Accounting

Entrepreneurship id="entrepreneurship"

Thinking outside the box

Entrepreneurship is a key pillar at Warrington, helping students think from a fresh perspective. Whether students want to start their own company or work for a startup company, Warrington equips them with the tools to make a difference.

Archer Aviation founders Adam Goldstein (BSBA ’01) and Brett Adcock (BSBA ’08)

Entrepreneurship Center Stays Strong in Rankings

No. 2
Among Publics
Eduniversal Best Master's Ranking
No. 10
Among Publics
U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges

Impacting the next generation of entrepreneurs

  • 300+ student ventures assisted by Entrepreneurship Center
  • 25+ courses in entrepreneurship and 2,500+ students in those courses in 2020-21
  • 3,500+ total students reached by entrepreneurship program at UF in 2020-21

Alumni id="alumni"

Expanding the Gator footprint

Warrington alumni continue to impact the business world. They take what they learned while on the Warrington campus, translate it to their careers and immediately make a difference for their company.

Albert Gator points into the camera while cheerleaders and fans assemble for a football game day

Rankings & Support id="rankings-support"