Can blockchain save the US Postal Service?

The US Postal Service has been noted for its inefficiency and money-losing business model for years. Does blockchain technology offer a solution? Read "Can blockchain save the US Postal Service?" on AEI.

What’s behind the push for vertical mergers?

Vertical mergers are a sign that traditional industry silos and layers are changing — but why? Read "What’s behind the push for vertical mergers?" on AEI.

When did making customers happy become a reason for regulation or breakup?

Customers choosing technologies they like – whether that results in market share growth or market share declines – should be the cause for celebration, not for alarm, regulations, and breakups. Read "When did making customers happy become a reason for regulation or breakup?" on AEI.

Can blockchain save broadband for rural healthcare?

Some rural healthcare, broadband, and edge providers are concerned the FCC’s broadband subsidies program is inadequate, but blockchain and smart contracts may provide some answers. Read "Can blockchain save broadband for rural health care?" on AEI.