Five reasons to be thankful the FCC is restoring internet freedom

If the FCC’s draft Restoring Internet Freedom Order lives up to its billing, there will be more innovation, network investment, and competition on the internet, and better transparency and economic reasoning at the FCC. Read "Five reasons to be thankful the FCC is restoring internet freedom" on AEI.

Creating an online trust in the guise of trust busting

When government determines economic winners and losers, businesses invest more in dealing with politicians and regulators, competition and innovation are limited, and customers lose in the end. Read "Creating an online trust in the guise of trust busting" on AEI.

PURC Director Mark Jamison interview on Newsy regarding Russian ads in the 2016 election

Dr. Jamison explains that Russians simply used tools that are already in common use by political parties in the US. Rather than try to regulate communication, people in the US should inoculate themselves against propaganda by deeply understanding their own views and the views of others. Watch "PURC Director Mark Jamison interview on Newsy regarding [...]

Is protecting privacy just an inconvenience?

A recent paper claims that study participants gave up important security and privacy protections when making technology choices in exchange for small amounts of convenience, but this isn’t the case. Read "Is protecting privacy just an inconvenience?" on AEI.

Is pizza more important than privacy?

A new paper is generating headlines because it claims that college students value pizza more than their friends’ privacy, but the authors are wrong. Read "Is pizza more important than privacy?" on AEI.